Quickly transition your business to work from home. Discover effective strategies for success. Learn more.
Much of the business world is figuring out how to transition to a work from home structure incredibly quickly due to Covid-19 quarantine measures around the world. This can be incredibly disruptive to a business, not to mention the pressures of a plummeting economy. In short, you need to get this right and you don’t have weeks or months to figure it out. It needs to be done quickly or you could lose your business.
You don’t have to scramble around to find a solution to figure out how to operate your business on a work from home structure. I’ve been running remote teams for over 10 years, and our current 24/7 live chat company HelpFlow.com has been running fully remote for 50 employees for five years.
In this deep dive, I will share how we operate:
You have to go remote now, and you’re probably already feeling the challenges of that. It’s my hope that this guide will help you transition smoothly so you can focus on other aspects of running your business.
Covid19 eCommerce Industry Townhall
HelpFlow.com is bringing together established eCommerce store owners and industry experts to share insights on what's happening on the ground of their business, and what they're doing to get through this time while coming out the other side stronger!
The collaboration process in an in-house office experience is not the same as what happens when your entire team is spread out working remotely. Especially if you were not used to working remotely.
You’re probably starting to feel like “this isn’t working…”, “wtf is going on with this project. I need this done.”, and maybe even “ I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to pull this work from home thing off so quickly….”.
Here’s what has been insanely successful for us.
What you’re missing that becomes a huge pain point when you shift from an office environment to a remote environment is structure. You need to have a clear way that your team executes and collaborates together, otherwise it doesn’t “just happen“ like it might in an office.
This doesn’t mean you need to have manuals and documentation of how everything in your business gets done. It just means you need to have a clear cadence of how you work together, including how you deal with urgent problems that come up throughout the day.
We technically use a quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily cadence, but I am going to skip the quarterly part for this article as many business owners are just focused on getting through the next month.
We have a weekly department meeting for all departments which is where the majority of collaboration and working through issues gets done.
Throughout the week, if there are things team members know need to be worked on as a department they will flag them for this meeting. When flagging the items, it’s important to define a clear outcome that you want to get to when the team works on it. Leaving things open-ended waste a lot of time.
The department meeting has a tight agenda focused on processing these issues:
Structure is a good thing and is essential to being effective in a virtual environment. Take the time to schedule your first monthly kick off meeting now and announce the weekly/daily cadence there. It will make this transition to remote setup much easier.
Managing an entire business through your email inbox doesn’t work. It overloads everyone and details get lost. If you have a well thought out communication process and tool set, it’s possible to have less emails, be left alone and effective, but still feel connected and able to collaborate all at the same time.
The hardest thing to get right about shifting to a remote work structure is knowing which mode of communication to use at different times. People usually stick with email and feel like they are overwhelmed and losing speed, or they shift to a chat room environment and feel constantly interrupted throughout the entire day.
Here’s the right mix:
Below is the toolset we’ve arrived at after 10 years running remote:
The tools here matter less than the understanding of the modes of communication above and when to use them. If you’re feeling like the tools are wrong right now on your team, make sure you’re getting the modes of communication part right first.
Keeping track of your workload when you're left all alone in a work from home environment can be tough. But knowing the status of everyone else’s workflow is what makes you feel the most alone. Everyone feels like they’re not sure what’s going on.
If you use a project management system effectively as an entire team, it’s possible to have clarity on your tasks and others without constant check-in’s.
Here’s our project management process:
If you’re not using a project management system at this point, get one set up. But if you already have something that is partially used, go all in and make sure the entire team is using it. That will make this transition to virtual much easier.
For most companies, they are figuring out how to transition to work from home extremely quickly. It needs to get done in a matter of days rather than weeks and months. And it’s a full transition of the entire company.
This can be tough but if you simplify the action items from the above, this is basically what you need to do:
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