Customer Service Operation - How to Overhaul When Its Broken (or Improving It When Its Not)

Transform broken customer service operation to efficiency. Audit issues, create action plan, and implement AI for eCommerce success with HelpFlow’s strategies.​

Jon Tucker
CEO HelpFlow
Customer Service Operation - How to Overhaul When Its Broken (or Improving It When Its Not)

Customer service is the heartbeat of any eCommerce operation. When it's broken, everything suffers—customer satisfaction plummets, negative reviews stack up, and revenue takes a hit. For established eCommerce brands, inheriting or acquiring a company with a malfunctioning customer service operation can feel like a nightmare. And even if your CS operation is working really well, you shouldn't stop there.  You should still look at opportunities to improve it further for better efficiency, better customer experience and more cost-effective infrastructure.

At HelpFlow, we’ve provided Customer Service Teams to over a hundred eCommerce Brands and specialize in transforming chaotic customer service operations into models of efficiency and effectiveness. Overhauling a broken customer service operation is no small feat. It requires a detailed audit, a structured action plan, and the strategic implementation of AI and automation. But the rewards—recouped revenue, increased customer loyalty, and a robust, efficient customer service operation—are well worth the effort.

Let’s get into it.

Customer Service Operation - Auditing Its Current State

Auditing Current State of Customer Service Operation

Before diving into solutions, you need to understand what’s wrong. A thorough audit of your current customer service operation is essential.  This will give you a clear picture of the current state of your Customer Service Infrastructure and broken parts that need to be fixed.

Below are the items to include in the audit, many of which can be gathered with the help of AI analysis tools using the APIs of your help des - but that's probably a nerdier topic for another day

Ticket Volume and Response Times

Analyzing ticket volume and response times is crucial to identifying inefficiencies in your customer service operation.  High ticket volumes can overwhelm your team, leading to longer response times and decreased customer satisfaction. By understanding the volume and how quickly your team responds, you can pinpoint areas that need improvement.

  • Analyze Ticket Volume Patterns by gathering data on daily/weekly/monthly ticket volumes and identify patterns or trends.  Then, breakdown ticket volumes by source and type to spot significant differences.
  • Evaluate Response and Resolution Times by assessing average first response and resolution times across different ticket sources and types.  Compare these times against current SLAs to identify areas for improvement.
  • Review Ticket Categorization and Trends by categorizing tickets by issue type and frequency to understand common customer issues.  Look for spikes or trends in specific ticket categories.
  • Assess Queue Management and Prioritization by examining how tickets are prioritized and assigned to agents.  Identify any backlogs or inefficiencies in the ticket handling process.
  • Measure Agent Performance and Customer Satisfaction by evaluating individual agent performance metrics, including response and resolution times.  Analyze customer satisfaction scores related to ticket resolution and identify areas for improvement.
  • Identify and Address SLA Breaches.  Identify patterns and root causes of SLA breaches then develop solutions to improve SLA adherence and overall customer service efficiency.

Agent Performance

Evaluate how well your agents are performing. Are they resolving issues promptly? Are they providing quality service?  This is critical to understand if your agents are meeting service level expectations, if there’s any skill or will issue that needs to be addressed or if you need to put a non-performing agent into a performance management program.

It’s not just the system that can be the problem—your agents play a crucial role too. Here’s how to spot issues in your agent pool:

  • Measuring Productivity and Effectiveness: Use metrics like the number of tickets handled, resolution time, and customer satisfaction scores to measure productivity.
  • Identifying Top Performers vs. Underperformers: Look for patterns in performance. Who consistently performs well? Who struggles?
  • Detecting Fraud or Ineffectiveness: Watch for signs of fraud or agents who aren't contributing effectively. This might include unusually long resolution times or repeated customer complaints.

Assessing System Efficiency

Assess the systems and tools you’re using. Are they configured correctly? Are they being fully utilized?  This is important to see if the tools that you are using for your business operations are working well together.  This will also identify if there’s any opportunity for automation of process and integration of different systems/technologies.

Your tools and systems should be enabling, not hindering, your customer service efforts. Here’s how to ensure they are:

  • Evaluating Current Systems and Tools: Review all customer service systems and tools. Are they up to date? Are they integrated properly?
  • Identify any tickets generated per day/week/month?
  • What is the average response time for a customer query?
  • How often are you encountering Bottlenecks and Inefficiencies: Look for processes that slow down your team. Are there manual steps that could be automated?
  • Ensuring Correct Setup and Full Utilization: Make sure your systems are configured correctly and that your team is trained to use them fully.

Creating an Action Plan

Creating an Action Plan

Once the audit is complete, it’s time to create a detailed action plan - we call this the 90-day “Red Team” Plan. This plan should prioritize the issues identified in your audit, focus on the biggest wins first, and assign responsibilities clearly.

Developing a 90-Day "Red Team" Plan

Creating a 90-day “Red Team” plan is essential for systematically addressing the critical issues identified in your audit. This structured approach ensures that all necessary fixes are implemented efficiently and effectively, leading to a significant improvement in your customer service operations.

  • Structured Plan for Fixing Issues: Develop a structured plan that addresses the critical issues identified in your audit.  Begin by compiling a comprehensive list of the issues identified in your audit. Categorize them based on severity and impact. Outline a clear plan that targets these critical areas methodically.
  • Creating an Actionable 90-Day Plan: Divide your plan into a 90-day period, setting specific, achievable goals and milestones for each phase. This helps maintain focus and track progress.
  • Defining Clear Goals and Metrics for Success: Define what success looks like for your team. This could include metrics such as improved response times, higher customer satisfaction scores, or reduced ticket volumes. These benchmarks will guide your efforts and measure your progress.

A well-structured 90-day “Red Team” plan is crucial for addressing and resolving the most pressing issues in your customer service operations. By setting clear goals and milestones, you ensure a focused and effective approach to improvement.

Prioritizing Fixes

Prioritizing fixes is a key step in your 90-day plan. It ensures that the most critical issues are addressed first, balancing immediate improvements with long-term solutions.

  • Determining What to Fix First: Focus on the most critical issues first. Identify the systems or processes causing the biggest delays or generating the most complaints. Prioritizing these will have the most significant impact on overall performance
  • Balancing Quick Wins with Long-Term Solutions: Seek out quick wins that can be implemented immediately to boost morale and demonstrate progress. Simultaneously, plan for more complex, long-term solutions that require more time and resources.
  • Assigning Responsibilities and Setting Deadlines: Assign specific tasks to team members and set clear deadlines. Ensure everyone understands their roles and what is expected of them, fostering accountability and timely completion of tasks.

By prioritizing fixes and balancing quick wins with long-term solutions, you can address the most critical issues efficiently while laying the groundwork for sustained improvements.

Measuring Progress

Measuring progress is vital to ensure that your 90-day plan is on track. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly reviewing your efforts helps maintain focus and make necessary adjustments.

  • Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Set KPIs that will help you track your progress effectively. These might include average response times, resolution times, and customer satisfaction scores. These metrics provide a clear picture of your performance improvements.
  • Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Conduct regular reviews to assess your progress against the set KPIs. Be flexible and ready to pivot if certain strategies are not delivering the expected results. Adjust your plan as needed to stay on course.
  • Communicating Progress to Stakeholders: Keep all stakeholders informed about your progress. Regular updates help maintain buy-in and support, ensuring everyone is aligned and committed to the plan.

Regularly measuring progress and communicating with stakeholders ensures that your 90-day plan remains effective and adaptable. This continuous feedback loop is crucial for sustained success and improvement in your customer service operations.

Building on a Stabilized Foundation

Building on a Stabilized Foundation

Now that you have a stable customer service infrastructure, you can now focus on recovering lost revenue and generating new ones. This is also the time when you can start thinking about implementing AI and automation to further streamline your infrastructure for a more effective and efficient process.

Recouping Lost Revenue

Recovering lost revenue is a crucial step for any ecommerce business. By implementing targeted strategies, you can reclaim revenue that might have been lost due to various inefficiencies and customer churn.

  • Strategies for Recovering Revenue: Develop comprehensive customer retention programs and loyalty initiatives. Utilize data analytics to identify at-risk customers and create targeted campaigns to win them back, increasing their lifetime value.
  • Implementing Customer Retention Programs:Create and promote loyalty programs that reward repeat customers. Offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive access to products, to encourage ongoing engagement and purchases.

By focusing on effective customer retention strategies, you can recoup lost revenue and build stronger, long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Generating New Revenue

Generating new revenue through customer service requires a proactive approach. By leveraging customer interactions, you can identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, and use customer feedback to drive continuous improvement.

  • Leveraging Customer Service to Upsell and Cross-Sell: Equip your customer service team with the skills to recognize and act on upsell and cross-sell opportunities during their interactions with customers. Provide them with the necessary training and tools to seamlessly introduce relevant products or services.
  • Using Customer Feedback for Product Improvements: Regularly gather and analyze customer feedback to identify potential areas for product and service improvements. Use these insights to make informed decisions that align with customer needs, thereby boosting satisfaction and driving sales.

By empowering your customer service team to upsell and cross-sell effectively and utilizing customer feedback to enhance your offerings, you can generate substantial new revenue and foster stronger customer relationships.

Integrating AI and Automation

Integrating AI and automation into your customer service operations can significantly boost efficiency. By strategically implementing AI tools, you can streamline routine tasks and allow your agents to focus on more complex customer issues.

  • Enhancing Efficiency with AI: Identify and implement AI solutions for repetitive and routine tasks. This frees up your agents to handle more intricate and high-value customer interactions.
  • Implementing AI-Driven Tools: Deploy AI-driven tools to manage routine inquiries and tasks. These tools provide consistent and efficient service across all channels, enhancing overall customer experience.
  • Training Your Team to Work with AI: Provide comprehensive training for your team to effectively integrate AI tools into their workflow. Ensure they understand how to use these tools to complement their work and improve service delivery.

By integrating AI and automation, you can optimize your customer service operations, increase efficiency, and enable your team to deliver exceptional service on more complex issues.


Overhauling a broken customer service operation involves a thorough audit, a detailed action plan, and strategic implementation of AI and automation. By focusing on these areas, you can transform a chaotic operation into a model of efficiency.

Assess your own customer service operations and identify areas for improvement. At HelpFlow, we offer a Free Audit Call to help you evaluate and transform your customer service operations. This no-obligation call will provide you with actionable insights that you can implement immediately. Schedule your strategy call today and take the first step towards a seamless customer service operation.

Your Store Needs a 24/7 Live Chat Team

HelpFlow can drive sales by having our team of human agents available on live chat 24/7 to predict and save abandons before they happen, proactively reach out and engage with visitors via SMS and email after they abandon, and by answering visitor questions live on your website to convert visitors.

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Need Help Run CX Operations While Driving Revenue?

HelpFlow can help make your CX Operation world class.  We can also help level up every aspect of your business with insights from CX that drive higher revenue, lower cost, higher customer LTV and customer happiness.

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