CS Workflow in Gorgias: 3 Ways to Streamline

Streamline your CS workflow in Gorgias with 3 effective methods. Enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. Learn more.

Jon Tucker
CEO HelpFlow
CS Workflow in Gorgias: 3 Ways to Streamline

Managing customer service can be challenging with the continuous influx of tickets. Implementing improvements to your customer service infrastructure, such as the CS Gorgias workflow, can enhance efficiency. However, making these system-level changes can be tough without disrupting daily operations.

Many stores already use Gorgias for their customer service software. However, there are many ways to streamline workflow even if you're already using Gorgias by leveraging a few parts of the system better. By implementing just a few things well, you can save 20% or more of your team's time, which translates into massive cost savings (not to mention a happier, not overworked team).

At HelpFlow, we run 24/7 live chat and customer service teams for over 100 e-commerce stores. Since 2015, we have focused on optimizing our workflow and have created a number of best practices you can leverage.

In today's post, we will share a few specific things you can utilize in Gorgias  to see massive efficiency gains in your customer service team. We will cover other tools in another post, but if you're already using Gorgias (or considering it), you'll get a lot of value from this post.

Let's get into it.

CS Workflow in Gorgias: Use Views to Organize Tickets

In customer service, the influx of new tickets is constant. With Marketing fueling significant growth, the workload for customer service can rise dramatically. Moreover, if your team works mainly from Monday to Friday, tackling the backlog of tickets on Monday morning can be daunting. Streamlining this process through the CS Gorgias workflow can help manage the demands more effectively.

By creating views, you can get the ability for different team members to focus on different priorities. Not only does this enable the team to work more efficiently, but it makes it a bit easier mindset-wise for them to manage tickets with their focus time consistent topic throughout the day.

Below are examples of views you can set up with Gorgias:

  • You can set up views based on customer sentiment to give your team the ability to respond and resolve situations for unhappy customers quickly. Not only is this good for the customer, but it saves a team from tickets that can get more and more complex as the frustration in the customer grows.
  • You can group tickets by topic, such as shipping issues. Grouping tickets by topic enables agents to work significantly faster through the tickets since they will be similar resolution paths.
  • Separate from customer service, grouping resolve tickets by customer satisfaction scores can allow your marketing team to follow up with happy customers and ask for testimonials. This turns customer service from a cost center in operations to a marketing and revenue driver.

By using organized tickets, your team can be consistent with your process and work more efficiently.

Use Macros to Automate Work

Customer service, lots of the tasks of an agent, does the same across similar tickets. Gorgias has a solid macros system that can enable you to automate a lot of the work for agents.

Here are a few examples:

  • Message templates can be created that include dynamic information about the customer to streamline the process of communicating with the customer. For example, you can include information about their last order, refund process date, shipping address, and much more.
  • You can automate the next actions to happen in Shopify after the agent responds. For example, suppose there is a situation where a customer wants to cancel their order. In that case, the agent can reply with a message template that includes their order information and then automatically cancels the order when closing the ticket. This saves the time of the agent going in and canceling within Shopify.
  • You can also fully automate "where is my order" types of situations to help customers get an update about their order status. This can save a lot of time on your team for basic non-issue order status questions (i.e., the order isn't lost or otherwise having something odd happening with it).

By using macros to automate workflow, you can increase the capacity of your current team to handle more tickets without having to staff up. You can also ensure processes are followed perfectly (since they're automated).

Use Self Service to Help Quickly

Customers want solutions, and they want those solutions quickly. They're often willing to use self-service resources for certain questions if the process is easy and fast.

Self-service isn't a perfect solution, but it can work well in the below situations:

  • As we mentioned before, automating "where is my order?" questions to provide basic order status updates are straightforward. This makes it easy for customers to know what's going on with their orders.
  • Enabling customers to start the return process if it meets certain rules can save a lot of time and boost customer satisfaction. Returns are never fun, but making them easy increases the positive feeling the customer will have about the brand (which brings future sales).
  • Of course, having a robust set of FAQs gives customers the ability to get answers to your questions without having to contact your team or wait for a response.

Leveraging the self-service features of Gorgias can massively increase customer satisfaction and help your team's efficiency. Integrating the CS Gorgias workflow into your operations is key to achieving these benefits.

Want Help Streamlining Customer Service?

At HelpFlow, we run customer service teams for over 100 stores. If the above-sparked ideas for you, we'd be happy to dig in deeper. Here are a few resources.

Happy to answer any questions in the comments too!

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