Most Important Features That Matter When Choosing The Right Live Chat Software/Tool


There are literally 100’s of Live Chat software providers in the market. If you want to manage Live Chat yourself, instead of hiring an expert to do it for you, at the very least you should commit to choosing a tool that is effective.  Here’s a resource you can use to compare tools, but these are most important features that matter.

An important feature of Live Chat that we will discuss on this guide is the ability invite people to chat automatically based on their specific website activity.  This feature may be called various names such as “proactive chat”, “greetings”, “popups”, “invites”, etc

It is also important that your software can route your visitors strategically based on their needs.

You should also be able to quickly create and use chat templates. And of course, which software made it as our top picks.

This whitepaper will definitely guide you in making the right decision when choosing your live chat software.  Download the guide today!

Who created the Live Chat Software Guide? Jon Tucker is the CEO and founder of HelpFlow. HelpFlow is a 24/7 done for you live chat team helping 100+ eCommerce stores drive more sales. Over 5 years with HelpFlow and 10 years before that running marketing for fortune 500 ecommerce brands, Jon has seen the inner workings of how to drive massive conversion rate increases in ecommerce.

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